The official report has found that Canada’s plan to reduce emissions falls short of meeting its targets.

The latest report from Canada’s auditor general states that their plan to reduce emissions is not enough to reach their goal of cutting emissions by 40% to 45% below the 2005 level by 2030.

The auditor general’s office released a statement on Tuesday stating that the government’s plan is inadequate as important steps to achieve the 2030 target have been postponed or not given enough importance.

Failing to meet the minimum goal of 40% by 2030 would result in Canada not fulfilling its obligations under the United Nations’ Paris agreement on addressing climate change.

In the previous year, Canada published its initial plan for achieving its 2030 climate objectives. This plan includes specific strategies and a budget of C$9.1bn (US$6.6bn) to decrease carbon emissions and combat climate change. Canada has struggled in recent years to reach its environmental targets.

The inspection discovered that the task of decreasing emissions was divided among numerous government agencies that were not directly answerable to the Canadian Minister of Environment and Climate Change. This made it challenging to make progress and make necessary adjustments.

The country of Canada has consistently failed to meet any of its goals for reducing emissions. However, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has consistently emphasized that addressing climate change is one of his government’s main focuses.

Jerry DeMarco, the commissioner of the environment and sustainable development who authored the report, stated that with determination, concentration, and strong leadership, the government can still achieve its 2030 goal.

The examination revealed that the strategy included potential effective methods for decreasing emissions, like implementing carbon pricing and regulations. However, it also had numerous deficiencies, such as incomplete and conflicting data and unreliable predictions that undermined the plan’s credibility.
