The UK is working towards ensuring that Israel follows international law, according to James Cleverly’s statement in the House of Commons, as reported live.

Rishi Sunak has not yet revealed any plans for providing additional military assistance to Ukraine after March of next year.

  • The findings of a significant study show that over 1 million children in the UK faced destitution in the past year. This means that their families were unable to provide sufficient food, clothing, hygiene, and warmth. A representative from the government stated that their main focus is reducing inflation to improve the purchasing power of all individuals.

  • A Member of Parliament (MP) was prevented from boarding a flight to Canada because of his name, according to statements made in parliament. Mohammad Yasin, a Labour MP representing Bedford, was part of a group of MPs on their way to Canada for a Commons committee meeting on issues such as leveling up, housing, and communities. However, he was held back for further questioning.

  • The prime minister has expressed his well wishes for a quick recovery to the cabinet secretary, who is currently taking time off from overseeing the civil service. The Cabinet Office has confirmed that Simon Case has temporarily stepped down from his position due to a personal medical issue.

  • We will be ending this liveblog soon. Thank you for joining us.

    Our blog post about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is still available.

    Rishi Sunak has not yet revealed any plans for increased military assistance to Ukraine beyond March of next year.

    Can you rephrase this?

    The people of Ukraine are requesting winter assistance for their air defense and more ammunition. Is there a planned response from the UK? The prime minister has not allocated any new funds for military aid to Ukraine.

    The current budget for this year is £2.3 billion, which was promised by the previous leader. The previous leader also promised £2.3 billion for last year. However, the funds for this year will be depleted by March.

    He further stated that the recently appointed defense secretary, Grant Shapps, has not yet addressed parliament about Ukraine since taking office in August. The previous update from his predecessor was in May.

    James Heappey, the armed forces minister and a deputy to Shapps, said he expected a funding announcement would be made at the chancellor’s autumn statement in November. He said:

    He will not be shocked to find out that this has already been discussed within the government. I am not the one who will make the announcement, but a significant financial event is coming soon. Therefore, he will not have to wait for a long time.

    Heappey stated that the UK is still providing Ukraine with a significant amount of ammunition on a monthly basis, and is also purchasing artillery rounds and air defense missiles for Kyiv’s use during the winter season.

    The junior minister stated that he regularly filled in for the defence secretary. He also mentioned that he had last updated the House of Commons on September 11. He criticized Healey for being too concerned with rank and not valuing his efforts.

    The inquiry into claims made against Heath during his time as chief constable of Wiltshire police. He then assumed the role at Cleveland force, but was subsequently banned from serving indefinitely in July for making unwelcome sexual comments to coworkers.

    Lexden, along with several other peers, stated that it is crucial for Heath’s name to be officially cleared.

    Is it possible that Veale deliberately kept these accusations unproven and unrefuted in order to avoid embarrassment due to his failure to find any evidence supporting them?

    The Home Office minister, Andrew Sharpe, stated that there are currently no intentions for an investigation and that the decision would ultimately be in the hands of the local police and crime commissioner.

    In 2017, the Wiltshire police investigation concluded that there were reasons to believe that Heath may have committed crimes such as rape and indecent assault against both boys and adult men. If he were still alive – he passed away in 2005 – detectives may have formally questioned him under criminal caution.

    Several of the allegations against Heath were made by Carl Beech, who falsely accused a group of politicians of being involved in child sexual abuse. In 2019, he was convicted and imprisoned for fabricating these claims.

    Rishi Sunak to support demands for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and to ensure safe passage for British citizens trapped in the territory, who include Yousaf’s mother in law.

    Yousaf spoke to the Scottish parliament and relayed that he had a phone conversation with the prime minister on Tuesday. He urged the prime minister to use all his time and effort to ensure the safe evacuation of individuals like his mother-in-law, Elizabeth El Nakla.

    He stated that the individual is a citizen of the United Kingdom, but the only correspondence she receives from the Foreign Office are text messages informing her of what she is already aware of – the closure of the Rafah crossing.

    She requires the UK government, the Prime Minister, and the Foreign Secretary to continuously pressure their allies in Egypt and Israel to immediately open the Rafah crossing. This will ensure safe passage for British citizens stranded in Gaza and allow them to reunite with their families.

    “I communicated this exact message to the prime minister during our phone conversation this afternoon. I also restated the Scottish government’s plea for a ceasefire and the delivery of additional aid, such as fuel, to Gaza. Additionally, I reaffirmed our support for the prime minister in his efforts to bring British hostages back to their homes.”

    Yousaf informed MSPs that Scotland is prepared to be the leading country in offering protection and refuge to disadvantaged individuals impacted by the ongoing war.

    “Scotland is prepared to provide medical care for the wounded individuals of Gaza, including men, women, and children, at our hospitals.”

    Members of Parliament who align with conservative ideals are reacting to Robert Jenrick’s proposal to reduce the number of hotels utilized for housing asylum seekers, within the walls of the House of Commons.

    The Member of Parliament for Dover representing the Conservative party, Natalie Elphicke, stated that the government has put forth significant efforts to tackle the problem. She also expressed appreciation for the first consistent decrease in small boat crossings, demonstrating that it is possible to address this issue and that the Conservative government is fulfilling its promises.

    Jenrick stated that while there has been notable progress, it is still not sufficient in comparison to other European nations.

    “Our constituents have expressed a desire for us to completely cease the arrival of boats, and that is our goal. Today is not a time for celebration, but rather a significant step forward. Tomorrow, we will resume our efforts to prevent boat arrivals.”

    Sir Conor Burns, a former minister with conservative views, mentioned that there are several hotels in his Bournemouth West constituency that are currently accommodating migrants. He expressed approval for one of the hotels being returned, but questioned when the others would also be returned.

    Jenrick stated that as efforts to prevent illegal boat arrivals improve, there will also be improvements in shutting down hotels used for housing migrants.

    The minister in charge of immigration has officially announced intentions to decrease the amount of hotels utilized for housing individuals seeking asylum.

    In the House of Commons, Robert Jenrick made a declaration.

    Today, the Home Office has notified local authorities and MPs that we will be leaving the initial asylum hotels in all four nations of the UK.

    The initial batch of 50 exits will commence in the upcoming days and will be finished by the end of January. Additional batches will follow soon after, as we have no plans to halt there.

    We will uphold our plan to prevent boats from entering and we will also be able to leave more hotels. As we leave these hotels, we are assigning specific resources to help manage the process smoothly and minimize any negative effects on the surrounding communities.

    My colleague Peter Walker wrote an article about the plan.

    The prime minister expressed his hopes for a quick recovery for the cabinet secretary who is taking a break from overseeing the civil service.

    The Cabinet Office recently announced that Simon Case had temporarily stepped down from his position due to a personal health issue.

    During the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Rishi Sunak informed the ministers that Case would be absent due to health reasons and would be taking a brief leave of absence.

    In a statement following the meeting, Downing Street stated:

    The prime minister announced that the cabinet secretary would be returning in the following weeks and expressed hope for a quick recovery, with support from colleagues.

    The responsibilities of the individual from Downing Street will be divided and managed by several permanent secretaries and director generals during his absence.

    The spokesperson for the prime minister stated that they would not discuss the specifics of who would be responsible for what, but mentioned that the director general of the cabinet secretariat took notes during the cabinet session on Tuesday.

    Case was not present following the release of reckless WhatsApp messages during the pandemic by the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

    He was scheduled to testify for the Covid investigation in the upcoming weeks, following the release of WhatsApp messages that revealed his personal opinions about Boris Johnson’s Conservative government during the pandemic.

    The leader of the public administration stated that the government appeared to be a “horrible, sorrowful mockery”, while Johnson’s spouse Carrie was “the true person in control.”

    The individual, who was appointed as cabinet secretary in September 2020 after serving as permanent secretary in Number 10, expressed doubt about their ability to handle the situation due to apparent frustration with the handling of the pandemic.

    Brendan O’Hara, the SNP spokesperson for foreign affairs, inquired of James Cleverly whether he had witnessed or been informed of any proof indicating that Israel has violated international humanitarian law in its handling of the Hamas attacks on October 7.

    The foreign secretary stated that it was not his responsibility to evaluate the understanding of current events as they are happening.

    He added:

    There will undoubtedly be evaluations of the character of global humanitarian regulations. Our goal is to ensure that Israel upholds international law in all of its actions, including legitimate self-defense.

    O’Hara said:

    If it is not his duty to determine, I am curious as to who is responsible, as he is aware that international humanitarian law clearly states that imposing a penalty on an entire civilian population is prohibited.

    Imran Hussain, a Labour backbencher, became passionate while expressing concern over the ongoing loss of innocent lives on the streets of Gaza. He questioned:

    I would like to ask the foreign secretary a simple question: at what point will this government denounce the violence and loss of lives, after thousands of innocent Palestinians have been killed?

    Cleverly replied:

    I deeply admire his dedication to preserving life. I want to assure him that I share his passion. However, we must be considerate and remember the reason behind this tragedy: the largest mass murder of Jewish people since the Holocaust, orchestrated by Hamas. The intentional endangerment of Palestinians by Hamas during their operations must not be overlooked.

    The Member of Parliament for Bradford East from the Labour Party exclaimed, “Kids are losing their lives!” while Cleverly was responding.

    Labour has suggested that ministers have a responsibility to ensure that the Israeli military adheres to the laws of war and ensures the protection of civilians.

    David Lammy, the shadow foreign secretary, called on the government to guarantee that Israel does not obstruct aid for Palestinian civilians, including food, water, and medicine, amidst the ongoing conflict with Hamas in the Middle East.

    According to James Cleverly, it is crucial for the Israel Defence Forces to maintain professionalism and show restraint in order to prevent the conflict from worsening.

    Lammy cleverly addressed questions about the conflict in the Commons, stating:

    The circumstances in Gaza are upsetting and extremely concerning.

    Is the foreign secretary in agreement that Israel is obligated to adhere to the laws of war and take all necessary measures to safeguard civilians?

    Can we guarantee that aid is delivered quickly and without obstacles, that any obstacles to access to water, food, medicines, and fuel are removed immediately, that Palestinians are not permanently displaced, and that it is not only a legal and moral duty but also essential to prevent Israel’s actions from harming the chances of long-term peace and stability?

    Cleverly responded by stating that the protection of civilian life remains a top concern, and went on to say:

    We frequently address this issue at all levels of the Israeli government, and we are mindful of the fact that both Israel and neighboring countries are working to avoid this situation from escalating into a larger conflict.

    As I say, professionalism and restraint by the Israel Defence Forces is an important part of preventing this becoming a regional conflict.

    The international development minister has expressed dissatisfaction with the limited number of aid trucks permitted to enter Gaza, citing concerns over a potential humanitarian crisis.

    Vicky Foxcroft, a Labour Member of Parliament, addressed the House of Commons, stating:

    In Gaza, children are now inscribing their names on their hands in order to be recognized and laid to rest with their loved ones in the event of their death.

    What measures is the government implementing to prevent further harm to children in Israel’s military operations and to swiftly resolve this conflict?

    In response, Conservative official Andrew Mitchell stated:

    We are putting forth our best efforts to safeguard children, and British assistance is already having an impact by aiding the global relief endeavor that is being delivered through Rafah.

    Kerry McCarthy, a member of the Labour party and a Member of Parliament, expressed concern about the amount of aid being sent to Gaza, stating that it is insufficient to prevent a humanitarian crisis. She also advocated for the entry of fuel into the area.

    In his response, Mitchell stated:

    The number of trucks that are going through every day is far too small and we will continue to press all the relevant authorities to allow humanitarian support and aid of the type she has described through the Rafah crossing to help those whose circumstances are precisely as she described.

    Mitchell also responded to Conservative MP Sara Britcliffe, saying:

    The main focus is to enhance the quantity of trucks that are passing through Rafah – the current amount is insufficient. I communicate with Martin Griffiths almost daily regarding the efforts of the UN to improve this number.

    According to No 10, HMS Lancaster will continue its presence in the Middle East in order to prevent potential risks to the security of the region.

    The spokesperson for the prime minister stated: “

    The HMS Lancaster, a Type 23 frigate, has been stationed in the Arabian Gulf since November 2022.

    Yesterday, the prime minister announced that our presence in the Gulf would be strengthened by the ship’s continued efforts to monitor and prevent threats to regional security. Additionally, the ship will assist in combating terrorist activities at sea such as arms and drug smuggling, and will provide support for humanitarian operations.

    It has been confirmed that RAF surveillance planes and two additional ships have been deployed to the eastern Mediterranean.

    The spokesperson for No 10 stated that there is currently no set date for the duration of deployment of military assets. However, it will be continuously evaluated due to the nature of the situation.

    Number 10 stated that government officials are still in discussions with “leaders in the area” in an attempt to secure the release of hostages from Gaza. However, it was not revealed if there has been direct contact with Hamas or representatives from Qatar or Egypt.

    The spokesperson for the prime minister informed journalists:

    I won’t go into further specifics as it is not in the individuals’ best interest.

    I believe part of the conversation includes communicating with leaders in the local areas and government representatives who have influence over the current situation.

    However, I believe it is not beneficial to provide further information.

    A spokesperson for Rishi Sunak stated that the UK government is unable to make assumptions about the reasons for the release of certain prisoners, as Hamas has released four individuals in the past few days.

    The situation may differ and, according to statements from the Israeli government, there are over 200 people currently being held as hostages. Therefore, I will not attempt to provide an explanation for why specific hostages are being released. I will leave that for others to discuss.
