Xi Jinping informed Joe Biden.
The dynamic between China and the US has faced challenges for over 50 years, but has continued to progress despite obstacles.
It is not feasible for major countries such as China and the United States to completely ignore each other.
The Earth is large enough for both countries to thrive, and the success of one country can benefit the other.
Biden departed from the location of the meeting and gestured a double thumbs up to the press, expressing that the discussions with Xi were successful.
Biden’s press conference in San Francisco will begin in approximately 30 minutes.
The news reported by Chronicle can be found here.
The highly anticipated meeting between Xi and President Trump on Wednesday is the result of careful negotiations to meet China’s numerous demands. This behind-the-scenes work reflects China’s concern over how Xi’s first visit to the US in six years will be perceived.
Officials stated that China hopes Xi’s visit to California will be viewed as a significant and noteworthy event.
Learn more about preparing for the visit here.
The New York Times reported on the vibrant hue of the Filoli estate in which Joe Biden and Xi Jinping are gathering. The location was mostly concealed until one day prior to their bilateral meeting.
Filoli, a large mansion and garden spanning 654 acres of lush land on the California coast, has played a role in popular media such as the 1980s TV show ‘Dynasty’ and the 2001 romantic comedy ‘The Wedding Planner.’ It is also a popular wedding location for high-ranking Facebook employees, and the gardens are open for public tours.
Except for Wednesday.
President Biden’s top advisors have been collaborating with Chinese officials for several weeks to ensure that this carefully prepared location would serve as the ideal setting for a diplomatic summit between President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping. These two leaders share a profound doubt of one another, but also a mutual understanding that their nations must prevent their diplomatic and military engagements from escalating into open hostility.
The website was attractive for several reasons. It is situated in a hilly area, making it one of the more secluded spots in a heavily populated area of California. The meeting’s location was kept confidential by the White House until the day before, likely to prevent protesters from gathering around the venue. There were no visible protesters at the gates on Wednesday morning as President Biden’s motorcade arrived at the location, but some could be spotted along the route from San Francisco.
Filoli is a giant estate amid some of the most expensive real estate in the country, built in the early 20th century by a family that made its fortune in the California gold boom and wanted a retreat not far from San Francisco. William Bowers Bourn II, the original owner of the home, decided on the name ‘Filoli’ by mixing together the first few letters of his personal motto: ‘Fight for a just cause. Love your Fellow Man. Live a Good Life.’

Chinese President Xi Jinping and San Francisco’s first in-person meeting in a year.

Xi Jinping is traveling to San Francisco for a face-to-face meeting with the other leader, marking their first in-person encounter in a year.
As Xi exited his Hongqi sedan, which was equipped with bulletproof features, Biden welcomed the smiling Chinese president with a handshake and a warm “Welcome.”
Afterwards, the two individuals briefly took photos together before entering their meeting venue. They were welcomed by American representatives, such as the secretary of state, Antony Blinken, the treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, the US’s envoy for climate change, John Kerry, and the national security adviser, Jake Sullivan.
In his remarks to Xi, Biden stated:
Dear President, we have a longstanding history together. While our views have not always aligned, this is not unexpected. However, our discussions have always been open, honest, and beneficial. I highly appreciate our conversations as I believe it is crucial for us to have a clear understanding of one another as leaders, without any misunderstandings or lack of communication.
Our priority is to prevent competition from turning into conflict and to handle it responsibly. This aligns with the goals of the United States and our intention to do so. I believe this is also in line with the desires of the global community for both parties.
As individuals, we are accountable to both our community and the global community to collaborate when it benefits us. The pressing issues that affect the entire world, such as climate change, drug control, and artificial intelligence, require us to work together.
Xi directed his remarks towards Biden, stating:
The relationship between China and the United States is the most significant partnership globally and should be viewed in the larger context of the rapidly changing global landscape. It should evolve in a manner that benefits both nations and upholds our duty towards advancing humanity.
The relationship between China and the United States has faced numerous challenges in the last 50 years, but it has continued to progress despite these obstacles. For two major nations like China and the US, cutting ties is not a feasible solution.
The Earth is large enough for both China and the US to thrive. If they respect each other, coexist peacefully, and pursue mutually beneficial partnerships, they will be able to overcome their differences and find a harmonious way to coexist as two major countries.
Xi Jinping informed Joe Biden.
The relationship between China and the US has faced numerous challenges over the last five decades, but it has consistently advanced despite obstacles.
Both China and the United States, being major nations, cannot afford to disregard each other.
The size of Earth allows both countries to thrive, and the success of one presents a chance for the other.
Xi Jinping.
Dear President, we have a long history together. While we have not always seen eye to eye, our discussions have consistently been honest, direct, and productive.
Our top priority is to prevent competition from turning into conflict. Additionally, we must handle it with care and collaborate when it benefits us to do so.
Biden also discussed major worldwide issues such as climate change, drug trafficking, and artificial intelligence, which the US is working to tackle with China.
Source: theguardian.com