Farage says Tory brand is ‘bust’ as other Reform UK speeches target immigrants, drag queens, vegans and more – UK politics live

Farage says Tory brand is ‘bust’ as other Reform UK speeches target immigrants, drag queens, vegans and more – UK politics live

Reform UK as a private company.Nigel Farage in Downing Street in 2029 to usher in a new age of hope and prosperity for the country, and says they will “Put British people first”.he is going to give up running Reform UK as a private company.Nigel Farage, criticises people for falling for cults, among which he counts “the cult of mass immigration” and “the cult of net zero”.

He described Ed Miliband as the most dangerous person in the government and rails against solar panels. He praises the UAE and Saudi Arabia for extracting oil and gas as fast as they can.

Tice drew warm applause for a long passage criticising Keir Starmer at the start of the speech. He has definitely hit on a Trump-esque formula of trying to give people hashtaggable nicknames. I’m old enough to now have nostalgia for #ZaNuLieBore in the late 1990s.

There appear to have been some technical issues with the sound in the hall and Tice says “that’s the establishment trying to cut me off”.

Reform UK conference. So far it has been a checklist of the usual suspects targeted by the party. He has attacked drag queens in schools, the “under-nourished grey-haired vegans” of Just Stop Oil, immigrants, Black Lives Matter, renewable energy and so on.

Anderson is one of those politicians that tells feely-stories that people want to hear and that are too vague to factcheck. For example, he claims that Just Stop Oil shut down “the whole of the capital city” and the London police just did the Macarena in response. The audience are lapping it up.

He calls Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, a “disgrace”, says he will never apologise to “that man”, and says he should be “booted out of office”. London has elected Sadiq Khan three times.

It is more of a standup routine than a political speech. He theatrically rips up a reminder to pay his TV Licence on stage to chants of “Rip it up”. He claims at one point that the UK has invented 51% of inventions invented in the last 1,000 years[CITATION NEEDED].

Reform UK, British people will lose their way of life to the “subversive forces” against them. Among them he lists the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Meeting, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization. This section is laced with antisemitic conspiracy tropes.FSMA2000, possibly because it is not such a household name. This has been an ugly speech punching down on minorities.Reform UK conference with a jibe at the LGBT community, by saying it is welcome to be speaking somewhere where there is “a paucity of rainbow lanyards” on display.

He has also mentioned “Orwellian virtue-signalling double-speak”, and there were huge cheers in the room when he criticised the “entire Covid response pandemic” as a scandal and he claimed people had been forced to take an experimental jab.

People hiss and boo as he lists Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Peter Mandelson as having undermined the Restoration Settlement of the 1660s with constitutional changes in 1997. He’s clearly read Liz Truss’s book.

There were boos in the room for a mention of Keir Starmer before Lowe started, as deputy co-leader Dr David Bull gave a lengthy critique of the prime minister accepting gifts and donations.

Source: theguardian.com