Research indicates that males belonging to generation Z are more inclined towards the belief that feminism has had negative impacts, in comparison to older individuals from the baby boomer generation. This research also highlights the potential for division among the upcoming generation.
According to a survey of over 3,600 individuals, 25% of males in the UK between the ages of 16 and 29 feel that being a man is more challenging than being a woman. Additionally, 20% of them now view social media influencer Andrew Tate in a positive light.
Tate, a former kickboxer from the UK and the US with a following of 8.7 million on social media platform X, is currently being accused in Romania of human trafficking, rape, and leading a criminal organization to exploit women sexually. He has openly discussed physically harming and strangling women and has admitted to being a misogynist.
Jordan Peterson, a popular writer and academic from Canada, has a positive perception among 32% of males aged 16 to 29. This is in contrast to only 12% of women in the same age group. Peterson advocates for “disheartened young men” and suggests that Tate presents a direct approach to dealing with challenges instead of submitting to defeat.
Regarding feminism, 16% of males belonging to the generation Z demographic believed that it had caused more harm than good. For individuals over 60 years old, the percentage was 13%.
According to a survey conducted by Ipsos for King’s College London’s Policy Institute and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, 37% of men between the ages of 16 and 29 do not find the term “toxic masculinity” useful, which is approximately twice the amount of young women who share this sentiment.
Prof Bobby Duffy, director of the Policy Institute, stated that this is a unique and atypical generational trend. Typically, younger generations are more at ease with emerging social norms, as they were raised with them being a normal part of their lives.
A higher percentage of younger males hold the belief that being a woman is more challenging than being a man in present times, that the impact of feminism has been positive overall, and hold a negative opinion of Tate.
However, Duffy stated that there is a steady group, ranging from one-fifth to one-third, who hold a different perspective. This suggests a potential threat of divisive division within the upcoming generation.
Rosie Campbell, a professor and the director of King’s Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, stated that the primary reliance on social media for information by this group is likely a contributing factor.
Young women have embraced the concept of feminist identity, while young men may not fully comprehend the inequalities that exist in the workforce and childcare.
According to her, social media algorithms are currently filling the void. However, she noted that this may change when young men start working. Nonetheless, we cannot assume this will happen, considering the significant role social media plays in shaping our self-perception.
Ethnic minority men are most likely to follow Tate, with more than a third agreeing he “raises important points about real threats to male identity and gender roles” compared with 12% among white men. Sample sizes are too small to determine which ethnic minority groups might be driving this, the researchers stressed.
Tate, a person of mixed race, has stated that he embraced Islam after previously identifying as an atheist. He has recently been posting on social media in Jamaican patois and claimed that melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, is a source of wisdom, insight, bravery, and physical strength.
Tate encourages young men to be in charge of their own lives, passionately addressing them in a recent video while vaping, shooting a gun, and driving a sports car. He emphasizes that they should strive for greatness and have a strong impact on others, rather than just seeking happiness.
Colin Brent, a youth worker in Ealing, said some of Tate’s appeal to black and minority ethnic young people appeared to be that he offered a more direct route to change in their lives.
Brent explained that young men from underprivileged areas often hear discussions about policies aimed at addressing inequality and racism. However, these topics can feel intangible and it may be difficult to see immediate impact on their lives.
The Black Lives Matter movement addressed significant inequalities within society, however, many young men question its relevance to their daily lives. Andrew Tate discusses the concept of immediacy, which is appealing to many. He presents a definition of manhood and a path to wealth that differs from the gradual approach of political reform.
Source: theguardian.com