Make a racket for the joy of tennis | Brief letters

Make a racket for the joy of tennis | Brief letters

Tom Garry speaks for the many of every age who play tennis for love of the game (Jack Draper, I’m coming for you: how I became British tennis’s No 5,936, 14 October). At 76, I still play league matches, and haven’t given up running. Tennis stardom is for the young; but across the country there are cohorts of us, getting older but still reaping the social, physical and mental benefits of regular, competitive exercise. Thank you for spreading the word.
Norma Clarke

It was good to read a positive article on the arts in Yorkshire (‘Lady Gaga went to our chippy’: how Yorkshire became a cultural powerhouse, 16 October), but disappointing that the survey did not include the splendid Opera North, nor the two notable dance organisations based in Leeds: Northern Ballet and the dynamic, ethnically diverse, Phoenix Dance Theatre.
Sheila Cross
Newby Wiske, North Yorkshire

Remembering passwords needn’t be hell (Letters, 11 October). Many times I have successfully done so by adopting the simple practice of changing a password to “incorrect” so that, whatever wrong password I use, I am always helpfully informed “Your password is incorrect”.
Adrian Brodkin

We might have experienced a damp “high season” this year (Letters, 14 October), but the English summer remains my favourite day of the year.
Pete Dorey
Bath, Somerset

Guinness shandy – aka Sheffield stout (Adrian Chiles, 17 October)?
Janet Leach
Ilkley, West Yorkshire