For many people, it may not be surprising to hear that vinyl record sales have reached their highest point of the century in 2023, with a 16th consecutive year of growth up to 5.9 million. Despite previous predictions that the format would die out, it remains popular. While streaming offers convenience, it cannot match the rich and warm sound of vinyl, and does not promote the same level of attentive listening. Playing a record requires concentration and respect for the ritual of the turntable. Additionally, albums are meant to be listened to in a specific order, creating a unique experience that leaves a lasting impression on our minds.
However, this is not solely focused on music. LPs are physical objects that provide both a tactile and auditory experience. There is a sense of satisfaction in carefully removing the record from its cover and placing the needle onto the disc. The fingers glide over the smooth surface, with the thumb finding its center. The packaging of an LP is purposeful and significant, playing a crucial role in the overall experience. The album cover may even be a masterpiece on its own, with or without detailed sleeve notes. For example, Public Image Ltd’s Metal Box, released in November 1979, was a memorable experience for those who purchased the first pressings. It came in a tin film canister with three discs, requiring delicate handling to avoid scratches. Playing Metal Box was a risk that added to its allure and captivating charm.
The increasing popularity of vinyl records may be attributed to a larger trend. In a world dominated by digital media, physical objects provide a sense of stability and the ability to form emotional connections. While sales of CDs and cassettes are still declining, they are not falling as quickly as before (cassette sales have remained at 100,000 for four consecutive years). Despite the rising cost of books and limited budgets, book sales slowed down in 2023. However, the market remains strong and community libraries, such as tiny street corner cupboards filled with books to be borrowed and shared, are popping up across the country. Interestingly, some unexpected bestsellers in 2023 have been related to physical objects. If you visit a bookstore, you will likely find a small stack of Florian Gadsby’s By My Hands: A Potter’s Apprenticeship near the checkout.
In a fast-paced world where numerous decisions must be constantly made, the act of performing small ceremonies is making a comeback. A new generation is rediscovering the calming effect of blowing imaginary dust off a beloved record, along with other daily rituals. The popularity of coffee has shifted from the loud and quick espresso machine and disposable cups to the traditional “drip” filter method using a pour-over cone. This coffee is served in a proper mug, such as handcrafted earthenware, and is meant to be enjoyed slowly with contemplative hands, providing a much-needed pause.
Source: theguardian.com