Jason Donovan stated that if he could change anything from his past, it would be his relationship with drugs.

Jason Donovan stated that if he could change anything from his past, it would be his relationship with drugs.


Jason Donovan, aged 55, was born in Victoria, Australia. He began his acting career at the age of nine and became a part of the popular Australian soap opera Neighbours in 1986. In 1988, he collaborated with fellow Neighbours star Kylie Minogue on the hit song Especially for You, which stayed at the top of the UK charts for three weeks. The following year, his solo single Too Many Broken Hearts also reached number one in the UK. In 1991, he starred as Joseph in the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. He has also appeared in other musicals such as the Rocky Horror Show, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, and Grease. Next month, he will embark on a UK tour with his show Doin’ Fine 25. He is currently married and has three children, and resides in London and Oxfordshire.

What is the thing that scares you the most?
Fear itself.

What characteristic do you dislike the most in other people?

Observing others from a higher position. I was taught to treat others as I would want to be treated, with dignity. The individuals you encounter on your rise to success are the same ones you’ll encounter on your way back down.

Describe yourself in three words

Diligent, genuine, and truthful.

What superpower would you possess?
To heal.

What causes you to feel unhappy?

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. While I do not drink regularly, I do enjoy a glass of wine. However, it is a challenge for me to limit myself to just one or two. When I overindulge, I feel a sense of unease and disappointment in myself.

What aspect of your physical appearance do you dislike the most?

Throughout my life, I have examined myself in relation to my work and I am content with my appearance. I do not have any dislikes in regards to my appearance.

Which actor/actress would portray you in a movie about your life story?
Gene Wilder.

What makes you afraid of aging?

I am unable to perform tasks independently.

What book do you regret not having read?
I have my own biography! On a more serious note, there is a novel by Gregory Roberts from Australia titled Shantaram that I have not yet read.

What was your desired profession as a child?

I have not matured.

Which would you prefer, fame or anonymity?

I have spent the past 45 years living with fame and trying to comprehend it. As a result, I have learned how to handle it and have found peace with it. It would be a waste of 40 years if I were to become unknown now.

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What was the most recent untruth you shared?

I am always honest.

Have you ever expressed the phrase “I love you” without truly feeling it?
Constantly in my profession.

What words or phrases do you tend to use excessively?
With respect.

What is the biggest letdown you have experienced?

I was enticed by the prospect of being a famous musician, and who wouldn’t be? I believe I could have explored other opportunities in my career through acting in movies. However, I was hesitant. How can I continue to grow as an actor if I am only catering to a teenage girl audience?

What changes would you make if you could alter your past?
My relationship with drugs.

What is the nearest you have been to death?

Perhaps during the 1990s, but I was too self-centered at that point to truly be aware of what was happening.

What is the most valuable thing that life has taught you?

Maintaining a sound physical and mental state is quite straightforward.

What occurs after we pass away?

I am unaware and uninterested – I will no longer be alive.

Share a humorous anecdote with us.

I am not good at telling jokes.

Source: theguardian.com