Your questions from the Christmas mailbag – Football Weekly

Your questions from the Christmas mailbag – Football Weekly

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On the podcast today, in what is now an annual tradition we’ve gathered some of your questions on topics ranging from the greatest goal you ever saw live through to favourite tv chefs.

Plus: festive messages from all your favourite panellists. Merry Christmas from all at Football Weekly!

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Harrogate Town v Walsall, EFL Sky Bet League One, Football, The Exercise Stadium, Harrogate, UK - 21 Dec 2024<br />EDITORIAL USE ONLY No use with unauthorised audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or “live” services. Online in-match use limited to 120 images, no video emulation. No use in betting, games or single club/league/player publications.<br />
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Anna Gowthorpe/REX/Shutterstock (15014919az)<br />
Father Christmas takes part in a penalty shoot out at half time<br />
Harrogate Town v Walsall, EFL Sky Bet League One, Football, The Exercise Stadium, Harrogate, UK – 21 Dec 2024′ src=”” width=”445″ height=”267″ loading=”lazy” class=”dcr-evn1e9″></source></source></source></source></source></source></picture></div>

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