Share your inquiries about Jodie Comer.

Share your inquiries about Jodie Comer.

The beginning of 2024 has been incredibly successful for British cinema with the release of The End We Start From. The film is based on the novel by Megan Hunter and was adapted by Alice Birch, known for her work on Succession and Normal People. It is directed by Mahalia Belo, a Bafta winner for her TV movie Ellen, and features an all-star cast including Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch, Katherine Waterson, and Jodie Comer. Waterson and Comer were nominated for Best Lead and Best Supporting performances at the recent British independent film awards.

The movie follows a mother, portrayed by Comer, and her child as they flee London after a devastating flood. If you’re a fan of Comer, it’s no surprise that she delivers an outstanding performance.

You may have become a fan of Comer after watching her portray the versatile Russian assassin Villanelle in all four seasons of the BBC’s Killing Eve, for which she received both an Emmy and a Bafta award. You might have also seen her in the 2021 Channel 4 drama Help, where she showed her talent as an actress while caring for co-star Stephen Graham. Another possibility is that you became a devoted follower of Comer after seeing her as computer programmer Millie in the 2021 film Free Guy, which was heavily influenced by The Truman Show, and falling in love with her rendition of Mariah Carey’s song “Fantasy”. Additionally, she may have captured your heart as French noblewoman Marguerite de Carrouges in Ridley Scott’s 2021 film The Last Duel, where she acted alongside Adam Driver and Matt Damon. Alternatively, your admiration for Comer may have started when she played Daisy Ridley’s mother in a flashback scene in Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Most recently, she received high praise for her one-woman show Prima Facie in London’s West End in 2022, with the Guardian stating that “Comer delivers emotionally gripping performances with every word.”

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Please leave a comment below before 12pm GMT on Monday, January 8th with any questions you have for Comer. We will publish her responses in the Film & Music section later this month.
