In 2003, the Itoiz dam in Navarre, Spain was finished and its reservoir was filled, causing the submersion of seven villages and three nature reserves. The environmental group Solidari@s con Itoiz vehemently opposed this harmful ecological occurrence. They took direct action by physically sabotaging the dam site and also closely observed and recorded its construction. These secretive recordings, captured by Maddi Barber, serve as a haunting warning from the past in her mysterious documentary.
The interviews with members of Solidari@s con Itoiz capture a strong sense of nostalgia for places that no longer exist. Filmed in close-up, the intimate shots evoke a deep longing for what once was. The memories shared by the activists are vivid and powerful, contrasting with present-day footage of the area which now sits empty, with only solitary tree trunks standing in pools of water. This documentation of erasure and displacement serves as a historical record, bearing witness to the military oppression of protesters and the destruction of local homes. In one particular clip, an unseen activist urges their companion to take a moment to appreciate a beautiful rainbow, symbolizing the fleeting beauty of the landscape that is soon to disappear.
If you are not familiar with the controversy surrounding the Itoiz dam, it can be challenging to understand the complete social and political background of the activists’ efforts. Limited details are given about the dam’s construction, and the source of the guerrilla footage is only revealed at the end of the film. Nevertheless, the movie effectively evokes emotions. It begins with a school play where children vow to safeguard the country’s natural resources, suggesting that the current leaders are failing the younger generations.
Source: theguardian.com