What is your opinion on The Bounty?, Catupatree inquired, as Anthony Hopkins deemed it “a disappointing disaster of a movie” but I believe it is a fantastic film and Hopkins delivers an outstanding performance.
This was one of my initial experiences after graduating from drama school. In my opinion, Anthony Hopkins was incredible. I am curious about the time period in which this quote was made. While we were shooting, I was only 20 years old and having a great time in Tahiti with 200 stunning background actors. I am aware that Anthony had issues with the director, Roger Donaldson. However, I was too caught up in enjoying myself to notice. In my opinion, the final product ended up being a fantastic film. It seems that they must have resolved their differences, as they later worked together on The World’s Fastest Indian. I would like to know what Anthony, also known as Tony to the celebrities, thinks of the film now.
Did the plot of I Am Urban strike a chord with your personal encounters as someone who grew up in care homes? – Sirriv69
The repeated theme of children being neglected by parents struggling with addiction in society is relatable. In my own life, I have experienced similar situations, having been in foster care while the main character in the film “I Am Urban” is placed in various care homes and with different foster parents. For those who have been in care, there is a sense of camaraderie with others who have gone through similar experiences. However, I personally did not find my time in care to be too challenging, and have since overcome any restrictions placed on me during that time. I always had my sights set on the future, a luxury not afforded to many of the characters in “I Am Urban.” This resonated deeply with me.
Did you have a good experience portraying a woman in Hunting Venus? Was it challenging to film? – Prestonian79

It was challenging from the beginning. My call time for makeup was 4am because of the extensive prosthetics. Despite my slim waist of 32 inches, the corset squeezed me down to a mere 22 or 24 inches, causing great discomfort. Removing it at the end of the day, I could feel my internal organs shifting back into place. Walking in high heels also gave me insight into what it’s like for women. But I enjoyed playing a female character. I even had male crew members flirt with me, albeit jokingly. At one point, I had to remind them to keep their hands off my chest. I would jokingly say, “I know they’re not real, but they’re still mine.” After filming, I inquired about keeping the prosthetics, but ended up using them as doorstops because I wasn’t sure what else to do with them. Unfortunately, they began to deteriorate and leave stains on my carpet, so I had to recycle them.
What are your thoughts on not being offered the role of the main character in the upcoming Bob the Builder film? If Anthony Ramos fails to meet expectations and producer Jennifer Lopez reaches out to ask if it’s possible to fix the situation, what would be your response? – Paul_Rangecroft
I said, “Jenny, my price has increased.” I have no information on this upcoming movie. Is it stop-motion animation or CGI? Jenny, let’s talk on the phone. I was recently speaking with Kate Harbour, who plays Wendy. We agreed that the entire original Bob crew should be invited to the British premiere. Making the film was a labor of love. We started in a small 12 x 8ft studio and it took a month to animate 10 minutes. By the end, we had a warehouse in Manchester with over 200 animators producing 12 seconds of animation per team per day. The original producer, Peter Orton, who has passed away, should be remembered. The movie was then acquired by a large US toy company, and it became more focused on selling merchandise rather than the charming small-scale production it began as. At least I can educate JLo on some of the history.
Do you feel pleased that you have achieved two songs that reached No. 1 in the UK, while Morrissey has not had any? VerulamiumParkRanger
Poor bloke. I do actually feel gratified. It was a turn in my career I never expected. I ended up vicariously on Top of the Pops, even though it was a Bob animation. But listen, Morrissey is still making music, so he can keep trying.

“Boon was exceptionally talented, surrounded by a team of equally gifted individuals. What was your experience like collaborating with Michael Elphick? Is it possible for it to be recreated? Tryggo and pleicetene were also involved.”
Michael Elphick was an amazing individual who served as both a mentor and friend to me. The knowledge he taught me about the film industry was invaluable. We often engaged in a game where we would guess the frame dimensions based on the distance from our mark to the lens. We would wager five pounds on each round. For years, he would consistently win and take hundreds of pounds from me. When I finally started getting the correct answers, he declared it the end of the game. I wonder if it would ever make a resurgence. I would likely be the older motorcyclist now. I wonder if they would allow me to grow out my hair? I grew tired of constantly having “helmet hair” every time I removed my helmet because I was not allowed to cut it.
Ever fancied doing a follow-up to Men Behaving Badly but as a midlife crisis dramatic piece? Kellysahero1970
My life as it is! They just have to capture me on film like a documentary.
Have you ever considered writing your own life story or has Peter Serafinowicz discouraged you from doing so? From TopTramp.
Peter is the only person who can imitate me and it always makes me laugh. It’s endearing that he sees me as his go-to impression, even if it portrays me as less intelligent. Despite this, I am not discouraged. The key is to nail the timing. However, I have no desire to write an autobiography and be sandwiched between celebrity authors like Katie Price and Wayne Rooney. Instead, I would like to focus on my life from childhood until I entered drama school at 18. Perhaps I can even convince Peter Serafinowicz to narrate the audiobook, unless he is already busy impersonating Katie Price or Wayne Rooney.

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Do you feel that you have been properly acknowledged for your accomplishments? AmongstTheWaves
I am extremely pleased. I am not someone who strives to climb the social or professional ladder. I have always simply aimed to do my best. I may have been influenced by the trend in the 1990s, with shows like Men Behaving Badly, thinking I could make it in Hollywood. However, I feel grateful for what I have accomplished. The ultimate validation is being employed. Therefore, I am content when I am offered work, which has been consistently happening regardless of whether it is an animated comedy, a serious drama, or a theatrical production in London’s West End.
Source: theguardian.com