In the 50 years since Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation was released in theaters, the evolution of technology and the devolution of political culture have
Author: Sarah Mitchell
Secret home insurance commissions raking in millions for landlords in England and Wales
Landlords of developments in England and Wales where residents face hefty service charges face calls to disclose millions of pounds in “secret commissions” raked in
Brexit has made the UK a lower-status nation, says David Miliband
The UK has lost influence since Brexit to become just one of many “middle powers” in the world, former foreign secretary David Miliband has said.
Police spammed with complaints by neo-Nazis under new Scottish hate crime law
Neo-Nazi and far-right agitators are exploiting Scotland’s new hate crime law to make vexatious complaints en masse in an attempt to “overwhelm” police systems. A
Britain’s staycation boom may be over as bookings dry up
Is the British staycation boom over? Short-term holiday rentals experienced a surge in recent years, especially during the pandemic, when Britons stayed at home in
Murder inquiry launched after woman fatally stabbed in Bradford
A murder investigation has been launched after a woman was fatally stabbed in Bradford city centre. Police were called to Westgate at the junction with
Charlie Pyne Quartet: Nature Is a Mother review – soaring, effervescent jazz
British jazz is currently blessed with vocal talents. Bandleader Charlie Pyne is just one sample from a spectrum that embraces big band fan James Hudson,
On my radar: Vashti Bunyan’s cultural highlights
Born in 1945 and raised in London, singer-songwriter Vashti Bunyan released her debut album, Just Another Diamond Day, in 1970, inspired by a trip around
Beyoncé: Cowboy Carter review – takes country music by its plaid collar and sets it on fire
Ever since Beyoncé – to quote the lady herself – “changed the game with that digital drop” via her self-titled fifth album, released without warning
The Ed Sheeran decade: how the everyman megastar remade music in his own image
Ed Sheeran is popular because he is a generational talent. Ed Sheeran is popular because his output is generic and bland. Ed Sheeran is popular because