Gabrielle stated that she declined an opportunity to perform with Prince because she is afraid.

Gabrielle stated that she declined an opportunity to perform with Prince because she is afraid.

I lost my closest friend and his father in a car accident in 1993 when I was 16 years old. It was a difficult time for me. Your song Dreams gave us some solace and meaning. What was your motivation for writing it? From TopperJK
“I wrote a poem about how my dreams of singing and songwriting always felt out of reach, with various incidents along the way. Someone told me I would never succeed while I was singing covers in a club, and another person commented on my middle name not being fit for fame. People also said my lazy eyelid would prevent me from becoming a star. Ultimately, I had to choose whether to believe their negativity or have faith in myself to succeed. Although it’s a sad story, I’m happy that the song provided some comfort for you.

The song and the entire album “Rise” were such a source of positivity that they helped me during a challenging time. What was your inspiration for creating it? -ddhillon365

After a publicly known event led to my disappearance for a period of time, my life was in shambles. The mentioned song represents the end of that association and the start of my comeback in the industry. The lyrics convey a sense of hope and perseverance in the face of dire circumstances, sung by someone who has personally experienced and overcome them. As I perform the song now, it almost feels detached from my own story because I can hardly believe I was once in that place. I co-wrote the song with Ferdy Unger-Hamilton and Ollie Dagois, with Ferdy being a devoted fan of Bob Dylan. He presented me with the music of “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” and I wrote my own lyrics to fit the chords. It later turned out that Bob Dylan himself approved and enjoyed our rendition. I am forever grateful and proud that such a legendary musician allowed us to use his music, as we did not plagiarize it and aimed to do justice to his work. I did not receive any threatening messages from fans questioning our homage.

Your album Rise, particularly the song Over You, helped me get through my first breakup. Have any albums or songs moved or inspired you? cherylgriffin

I frequently listened to the song “White Ladder” by David Gray after a breakup, finding solace in its lyrics for weeks, and even months. As a devoted fan, I had the opportunity to meet Gray and although I didn’t want to come across as a stalker, I simply wanted to shake his hand and express how much I admired his work.

Did you reject the chance to perform on stage with Prince at some point? VerulamiumParkRanger

I was too afraid to do it. The event took place in Abu Dhabi and I was standing on the side of the stage next to Nicole Scherzinger. During one of the songs, the performer asked both of us to join him and sing and dance. I was completely amazed by him and in awe of Nicole’s beautiful voice, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It all stemmed from my insecurity. Now, I regret not taking the chance, but some opportunities only come once in a lifetime. I did, however, attend a few of his parties – one that night and one in the US. After all, he was Prince.

Crazy costumesView image in fullscreen

You were outstanding on The Masked Singer! Can you share your level of involvement in creating the Harlequin outfit? From Yoshi2010

When presented with the opportunity, they offer a variety of costumes and characters. I opted for Harlequin when given the choice between trousers or a catsuit. The design was not completely up to me, but I was able to express my feelings towards it. A corset was made for me and I tried on the mask which was initially enjoyable until I attempted to sing in it and struggled. This caused me to experience my first panic attack and I had to deal with being menopausal and extremely hot. However, with some adjustments, I was able to fully enjoy the process. I am grateful for the chance to connect with a younger audience through this experience. I later discovered that Joss Stone had also done this while pregnant without any complaints.

As a newly established artist, did you feel anxious when there was a considerable amount of time between your first success and the release of Give Me a Little More Time?

I became a mother after my first album, so I was anxious about my comeback. As an artist, there is always nerves associated with releasing new music. I didn’t realize that taking time off meant facing new competition. Everything turned out okay, but I’m sure my label executives were stressed.

What did you do while you were away from the spotlight again? dfyorkie

I had been away from my two children so often that I began to wonder, “Do they even recognize me as their mother?” As a result, I took an 11-year break starting in 2007. When my children got older, I felt prepared to return and have since been able to fully appreciate touring and other activities with a refreshed perspective, no longer consumed by constant worries as a mother.

Did East 17 behave well while you worked with them on If You Ever, or was it chaos? Also, catchy-titled.

I have no grievances against those young men. They were courteous. Brian, Tony, John, Terry… they were all exceptionally kind. If there were any disturbances, I was not involved.

Gabrielle with Nelson Mandela and Tony Blair at the 2000 Labour party conference.View image in fullscreen

Can you recall any specific moments from meeting Nelson Mandela? VerulamiumParkRanger

I was thrilled when I had the opportunity to attend the Labour party conference in Brighton, even though I am not interested in politics. I was especially excited because one of the attendees was Nelson Mandela. After rehearsals, he approached me and expressed his desire to dance and sing with me. I regret not taking him up on his offer. He was very kind, and although I tried to remain composed, I was inwardly screaming. It was an honor to meet someone who had been imprisoned for years and yet still found it in his heart to forgive his captors and fight for a better future for his country in regards to apartheid. Even now, when I look at the photo, I am amazed that I actually got to meet him.

Who would be your ideal artist to collaborate with and why? cherylgriffin

I do not collaborate with many individuals, but on my latest album titled “A Place in Your Heart,” I have recently teamed up with Mahalia. I first met her when we both performed as opening acts for Adele. She is incredibly talented and her voice demands your full attention when you hear it.

Have your aspirations been realized? LintonTravelTavern

I agree. When I reflect on my childhood and the tradition of signing each other’s books at the end of the school year, someone wrote, “I hope to see you on Top of the Pops.” Of course, at the time it seemed like an impossible idea. But now, in my 50s, I am still pursuing my passion, and my dreams have become a reality and are still being fulfilled.
